Behrel Dom Camreal's Press Conference, 009-1121

Thank you all for showing up this morning. I have called this conference for you, the reporters, the eyes and ears of this station, indeed of this entire system. First I applaud our Regent's actions concerning the cleaning up of the government: her efforts to make our government responsible and accountable.

But I do not accept her views for our future. She says she is of and for our people. I ask you though, how long has she been on Regina? How long has she been a citizen of Regina at all? She is a Ling, born and bred to riches beyond even most noble's dreams. Has she ever known poverty up close? Has she ever had to eat a rat, because it was the only thing to eat? Has she ever fought in the trenches for your safety? Or has she fought only in board rooms? Where was she during the last frontier war? On Deneb, sipping brandy, I suspect.

You know as well as I do that Regina can not survive alone in the current Marches. If not the Imperials or the Zhodani, then who? Ask Corina, she knows it too. I suggest that you ask her what the megacorps will be doing during all this? Do we really want our Regina to become one large company town? The megacorps historically have been the greatest exploiters of all, true?

I ask another question now. All our recent problems began when the neutral zone was made. But the neutral zone was a compromise between two warring giants that may have saved millions, if not billions, of lives. Maybe even your own. The assault of Jewel could have happened here too, had the war continued longer.

Corina is right, rule from afar will not and cannot work for Regina's people. When Duke Norris was alive, he was a strong leader. He helped make Regina into what we all think it should be. He taught us what we wanted Regina to be like.

So next I ask of every former Imperial military person to wear a symbol of that service from now until the negotiations are complete. And now I tell you, I want to see Regina under Imperial rule again. I want to see a strong Imperial Duke on the Regina throne. The only question is . . . who?