The Democracia

A Regina NewsFax published by the Friends of Corina Armstrong

I Want You to Write Me,

by Corina Armstrong

Issue Number 27

The invitation which forms the title of this page comes from my heart, in the hope that we can establish here a clearing house, a discussion room, for the millions of men, women, and young people who read the Democracia.

For some time now I have been receiving letters from all sorts of persons living in every part of our planet. Always I have wished that I could reach these correspondents and many more with messages which perhaps might help them, their families, their neighbors and friends to solve the problems which are forever rising in our personal, family and community lives, not only with my ideas but with the ideas of others.

Although I have a column in this paper which I can use in this way, you must help me. I want you to tell me about the particular problems which puzzle or sadden you, but I also want you to write me about what has brought joy into your life, and how you are adjusting yourself to the new conditions in this amazing changing world.

I want you to write to me freely. Your confidence will not be betrayed. Your name will not be printed unless you give permission. Do not hesitate to write to me even if your views clash with what you believe to be my views.

We are passing through a time which perhaps presents to us more serious difficulties than the days immediately after the war, but my own experience has been that all times have their own problems. Times of great material prosperity bring their own spiritual problems, for our characters are apt to suffer more in such periods than in times when the narrowed circumstances of life bring out our sturdier qualities; so whatever happens to us in our lives, we find questions constantly recurring that we would gladly discuss with some friend. Yet it is hard to find just the friend we should like to talk to. Often it is easier to write to someone whom we do not expect ever to see. We can say things which we cannot say to the average individual we meet in our daily lives.

To illustrate the changing nature of our problems it is interesting to remember that less than five years ago the outstanding problem of the Regina citizen was how to supply proper nourishment for her family with one hand while helping to feed an army with the other! Now the same mothers are facing the problem of the postwar extravagance and recklessness; how to control the luxurious tastes of their children, the craving for gaiety, pleasure, speed which always follows a great war.

Today in millions of homes parents are wrestling with the problem of providing the necessities of life for their children and honest work for the boys and girls who are leaving school.

At almost stated intervals the pendulum swings, and so far the Reginan people have each time solved their problems. And solve them we will again, but not without earnest consultation and reasoning together. Which is exactly where this page enters the planetary picture.

Let us first consider one or two typical problems. You all know that this cycle, the entire planet celebrated Child Health Week. I was among those who spoke on the basic foundations on which the health of a child is built. A few days after I gave this radio talk I received a letter from a mother who wanted to know how she could supply nourishing food and proper clothing for her three children when her husband was earning exactly fifty-four credits a month! She's right, it's not possible; this is why I worked for a minimum wage.

Again, a couple who had read something I had said about modern methods in education wrote asking what trades or professions would offer the best opportunities for young people in the next few years. This concern was why I sought to create vocational learning opportunities for people that need a trade to earn a living.

You will note that both of these earnest letters came from parents.This is encouraging, for there never was a time when the sympathy and tolerance of older people were more needed to help the younger people adjust themselves to a very difficult world.

In the hands of the young people lies the future of this planet, perhaps the future of our civilization. They need what help they can get from the older generation and yet it must be sympathetically given with a knowledge that in the last analysis the young people themselves must make their own decisions.

Please do not imagine that I am planning to give you advice that will eventually solve all your problems. We all know that no human being is infallible, and on this page I am not setting myself up as an oracle. But it may be that in the varied life I have had there have been certain experiences which other people will find useful, and it may be that out of the letters which come to me I shall learn of experiences which will prove helpful to others.

These days my health and my future have put certain constraints upon my schedule, as you can well imagine. I am not able to see you all and touch you and your lives as directly each day as I would like to do. And so I close this page to and for you, as I opened it, with a cordial invitation—I want you to write to me.