The Democracia

A Regina NewsFax published by Corina Ling-Raleigh

Issue Number 7

Not an Easy Choice, by Behrel Dom Camreal.

Citizens of Regina, the time has come once again for us to choose our destiny, to choose the path of our future. Forces are at work that will greatly effect your lives, may even take them from you. You MUST choose whom you support, what is important to you. Which side will you take? Will you fight for the status quo? To keep Regina like it is now? Our "Reform Regent" certainly seems to not want this. Will you support her and her seeming bid for True Regina independence? Do you think that the Imperium should be in control again as it has been for so many years in the past. Do we want them to rule us but pay little attention to us as they once did? Will you support some other foreign power, some group from near or far polities that may, or may not, have our interests in mind?

So many of us are, or were, Imperial citizens, can we really choose to live under another country's rule that is not the one we grew up in? Will you be one of the many who just cower in the alleys and gutters waiting for things to settle down again, will you be less than human, waiting for others to make your decisions for you? Will you be selfish and wait for trouble and then find some way to improve your personal life while ignoring or even harming others? Do you even care? You, personally, need to ask questions. Ask your friends, listen to and read the news, Talk to those in power, find the answers to your questions. Is there someone who can lead us to a better place? Is it Corina or some other as yet unacknowledged person?

I do not ask you to think as I do or to make a decision based on my convictions. In fact, I have not yet chosen for myself. I will be asking these questions that I ask of you also. I am an Imperial Citizen, I live mostly on Regina. I have friends that are Imperial nobles and many that are Regina citizens. I will tell you one thing for sure, when I do choose, my choice will come with the full weight of my sword and you best not be in it's way. This is not an easy choice. It is a necessary one though. I will not stand by and see others make my decisions for me, I never have and I will not start now. Will you?